class: center, middle # My Ruby Is a Paintbrush # My Ruby Is a Synth ## Jan 'half/byte' Krutisch ## @halfbyte --- class: center, middle, contain background-image: url(images/runconf-header-logo-01.svg) --- class: center, middle # []( --- class: center, middle, depfu, contain background-image: url(images/depfu-left-blue.png) --- class: contain background-image: url(images/depfu_example.png) --- class: center, middle, depfu # A warning --- ### Don't try to understand the code examples! Note: This not meant as an insult. I'm just aware that it's a lot of code on very different subjects and it will be next to impossible to understand it during the presentation. Instead, go to [halfbyte/ruby_for_artists]( and study the examples there. I'm providing the code fragments here to give you a sense of how much (or rather: how little) code is necessary and how the code looks in general. More of a teaser or taste bite than actually explaining how a library works. The reason I have (in contrast to what every one tells you to do) a looong text on one slide is that I want to warn people who click through these slides later on. (If you're sitting in the audience and you made it this far, please clap your hands twice.) --- class: center, middle, depfu # 2D --- class: center, middle # offline --- # [halfbyte/calgen]( --- class: contain, bottom background-image: url(images/real_calendar.jpeg) [IBA Hamburg: BIQ]( --- class: contain background-image: url(images/calendar_januar.png) --- class: center, middle # Prawn --- class: center, middle # Alexander Mankuta # (and many others) --- ```ruby pdf = page_size: 'A4', bottom_margin: EXTRA_MARGIN_VERTICAL ) # [...] DAYS.each_with_index do |day, i| pdf.bounding_box( [i * col_width + box_offset, pdf.bounds.height], :width => max_text_width, height: row_height ) do pdf.fill_color = color(i > 4) pdf.text(day, align: :right, valign: :center) end end # [...] pdf.render_file(options[:outfile]) ``` --- class: center, middle # realtime --- class: contain background-image: url(images/generative_design_09.png) --- class: center, middle # processing --- class: center, middle # Java?!? --- class: center, middle # JRuby_Art --- class: center, middle # Martin Prout --- ```ruby def settings size 400, 400 end TILE_COUNT = 20 attr_reader :act_stroke_cap, :act_random_seed def setup sketch_title 'Index' @act_stroke_cap = SQUARE @act_random_seed = 0 end ``` --- ```ruby def mouse_pressed @act_random_seed = random(100000).to_i end def key_pressed if key == '1' @act_stroke_cap = ROUND elsif key == '2' @act_stroke_cap = SQUARE elsif key == '3' @act_stroke_cap = PROJECT end end ``` --- ```ruby def draw background 255 smooth no_fill random_seed act_random_seed stroke_cap act_stroke_cap (0..TILE_COUNT).each do |grid_y| (0..TILE_COUNT).each do |grid_x| pos_x = width / TILE_COUNT * grid_x pos_y = width / TILE_COUNT * grid_y toggle = random(0,2).to_i if toggle == 0 stroke_weight(mouse_x / 20) line( pos_x, pos_y, pos_x + width / TILE_COUNT, pos_y + height / TILE_COUNT ) elsif toggle == 1 stroke_weight(mouse_y / 20) line( pos_x, pos_y + width / TILE_COUNT, pos_x + width / TILE_COUNT, pos_y ) end end end end ``` --- class: center, middle, scale-image  --- class: center, middle, scale-image  --- class: center, middle # gosu --- class: center, middle # Julian Raschke --- ```ruby def draw draw_field @ball.draw @players.each(&:draw) end def draw_field Gosu.draw_rect(10, 10, width - 20, 5, Gosu::Color::WHITE, 0) Gosu.draw_rect(10, 15, 5, 100, Gosu::Color::WHITE, 0) Gosu.draw_rect(10, height - 15, width - 20, 5, Gosu::Color::WHITE, 0) Gosu.draw_rect(width-15, 15, 5, 100, Gosu::Color::WHITE, 0) Gosu.draw_rect(10, height - 115, 5, 100, Gosu::Color::WHITE, 0) Gosu.draw_rect(width-15, height - 115, 5, 100, Gosu::Color::WHITE, 0) @font.draw(@players[0].score.to_s, 100, 10, 0) @font.draw(@players[1].score.to_s, width - 100, 10, 0) end def button_down(id) if (id == Gosu::KB_DOWN) @players[1].down end if (id == Gosu::KB_UP) @players[1].up end super(id) end ``` --- class: center, middle, scale-image  --- class: center, middle, depfu # 3D --- class: center, middle # mittsu --- class: center, middle # Daniel Smith --- # inspiration: three.js --- ```ruby scene = camera =, ASPECT, 0.1, 1000.0) renderer = width: SCREEN_WIDTH, height: SCREEN_HEIGHT, title: '02 Box Mesh Example' ) geometry =, 1.0, 1.0) material = 0x00ff00) cube =, material) scene.add(cube) camera.position.z = 5.0 renderer.window.on_resize do |width, height| renderer.set_viewport(0, 0, width, height) camera.aspect = width.to_f / height.to_f camera.update_projection_matrix end do cube.rotation.x += 0.1 cube.rotation.y += 0.1 renderer.render(scene, camera) end ``` --- class: center, middle, scale-image  --- class: center, middle, scale-image  --- class: center, middle # SketchUp --- ```ruby def self.dialog labels = ['Width', 'Length', 'Deviation', 'Cube width'] defaults = [20, 7, 0.5, 5] width, length, dev, cube_size = UI.inputbox( labels, defaults, "Pixel Text" ) new(width, length, dev, cube_size).place_component end ``` --- ```ruby def initialize(width, length, dev, cube_size=5) @definition = Sketchup.active_model.definitions.add "Pixel Text" @cube_size = cube_size width.times do |x| length.times do |y| z = dev * rand() offset = x *, y *, z * ) add_cube(offset) end end end ``` --- ```ruby def add_cube(offset =,0,0)) puts "cube at #{offset.inspect}" size = @cube_size group = @definition.entities.add_group points = [, 0, 0),, 0, 0),,, 0),,, 0) ] face = group.entities.add_face(points) face.pushpull( group.move!(offset) end ``` --- class: center, middle, scale-image  --- class: center, middle, scale-image  --- class: center, middle, depfu # Music / Sound --- class: center, middle # Sonic Pi --- class: center, middle # Carrie Anne # Sam Aaron --- class: demo, center, middle # Demo --- class: center, middle # Let's go deeper --- # RubySynth --- class: middle 1. Generate Audio 2. Send it to the soundcard 3.
Fun! --- class: center, middles # SoX --- class: center, middles # Lance Norskog # Chris Bagwell # (and many others) (It started in 1991. yeah.) --- ```sh $SOUNDGEN | play -t raw -b 32 -r 44100 -c 1 -e \ floating-point --endian little - ``` --- ```ruby print [$FLOAT_VALUE].pack('e') ``` --- class: middle, center # BUT WHAT VALUES, JAN?!? --- ```ruby SFREQ = 44100 FREQ = 440 (SFREQ).times do |sample| t = sample.to_f / SFREQ.to_f # time in seconds period = 1.0 / (FREQ.to_f) v = 1.0 v *= -1.0 if t % period > (period / 2) v *= 0.4 print [v].pack('e') end ``` --- class: contain background-image: url(images/SquareWave.png) --- class: middle, center
--- ```ruby SFREQ = 44100 NOTES = [24, 24, 48, 37] OFFSETS = [0, 0, 3, 7] TEMPO = 120 def n2f(n) (2.0 ** ((n - 69) / 12.0)) * 440.0 end (4 * SFREQ).times do |sample| t = sample.to_f / SFREQ.to_f # time in seconds s_per_b = 15.0 / TEMPO.to_f # seconds per quarternote b = t / s_per_b # quarternote l = (b / 4).floor # loop freq = n2f(NOTES[b % NOTES.length] + OFFSETS[l % OFFSETS.length]) period = 1.0 / (freq.to_f) v = 1.0 v *= -1.0 if t % period > (period / 2) v *= 0.4 print [v].pack('e') end ``` --- class: middle, center
--- ```ruby # class MoogFilter def initialize @in1 = @in2 = @in3 = @in4 = 0 @out1 = @out2 = @out3 = @out4 = 0 end def run(input, fc, res) f = fc * 1.16; fb = res * (1.0 - 0.15 * f * f); input -= @out4 * fb; input *= 0.35013 * (f*f)*(f*f); @out1 = input + 0.3 * @in1 + (1 - f) * @out1; # Pole 1 @in1 = input; @out2 = @out1 + 0.3 * @in2 + (1 - f) * @out2; # Pole 2 @in2 = @out1; @out3 = @out2 + 0.3 * @in3 + (1 - f) * @out3; # Pole 3 @in3 = @out2; @out4 = @out3 + 0.3 * @in4 + (1 - f) * @out4; # Pole 4 @in4 = @out3; return @out4; end end ``` --- class: middle, center
--- class: contain background-image: url(images/Filter.png) --- ```ruby # [...] v *= -1.0 if t % period > (period / 2) v =, 0.1, 3) v *= 0.4 # [...] ``` --- ```ruby class Envelope def initialize(a,r) @a = a @r = r end def run(t) if t > @a + @r return 0 elsif t > @a #release return 1 - ((1 / @r) * (t - @a)) else return 1 / @a * t end end end ``` --- class: contain background-image: url(images/Envelope.png) --- ```ruby # [...] vol_ar =,0.1) flt_ar =,0.04) # [...] t_in_b = t % s_per_b #time in quarternote # [...] v =, 0.01 + * 0.3, 3) v *= ``` --- class: middle, center
--- class: middle, center # Sidenote: ## Web Audio API --- class: middle, center # MIDI --- class: middle, center # *M*usical *I*nstruments *D*igital *I*nterface --- class: middle, center # 1983 --- class: contain background-image: url(images/midi_din.png) --- class: contain, bottom background-image: url(images/usb_a.jpg)
CC BY-SA 3.0
Image Details
--- class: middle, center # 1983 --- ## Anatomy of a MIDI message ``` [ 0x90, 0x18, 0x7f ] ^ ^ ^ | | `-------> Velocity | `-------------> Note `--------------------> Note On, Channel 1 ``` --- # portmidi --- ```ruby require 'portmidi' Portmidi.start device = Portmidi.output_devices.find do |device| end output = now = Portmidi.time ``` --- ```ruby def note_on_beat(now, beat, length, note, channel, velocity) [ + (beat * 250), [NOTE_ON + channel, note, velocity]), + (beat * 250) + length, [NOTE_OFF + channel, note, velocity]), ] end Porttime.start(10) do |time| Message.send(messages, time, output) end ``` --- ```ruby NOTES = [24, 24, 48, 37, 24, 24, 49, 37] * 8 now = Porttime.time NOTES.each_with_index do |note, beat| messages += note_on_beat(now, beat, 125, note, 0, 0x60) #drums if beat % 2 == 0 # Bassdrum messages += note_on_beat(now, beat, 125, 36, 1, 0x60) else # Snare messages += note_on_beat(now, beat, 125, 36 + 6, 1, 0x60) end if beat % 4 == 2 # Hihat messages += note_on_beat(now, beat, 125, 36 + 2, 1, 0x60) end end ``` --- class: middle, center
--- class: center, middle # Launchpad --- class: contain background-image: url(images/launchpad_mini.png) --- class: center, middle # launchpad gem --- class: center, middle # Thomas Jachmann --- ```ruby require 'launchpad' interaction = device_name: 'Launchpad Mini' ) flags = # yellow feedback for grid buttons interaction.response_to(:grid, :down) do |interaction, action| coord = 16 * action[:y] + action[:x] brightness = flags[coord] ? :off : :hi flags[coord] = !flags[coord] interaction.device.change( :grid, action.merge(:red => brightness, :green => brightness) ) end interaction.start ``` --- class: middle, center, demo # Demo --- class: middle, center, depfu # All together now --- class: middle, center, demo # Demo --- # [halfbyte/Gosu-Minesweeper#launchpad_support]( --- class: center, middle, depfu # Why? --- class: depfu, middle, center # ❤️ Thank you ❤️ ## halfbyte/ruby_for_artists ## 🎹 ✏️ ## @halfbyte ##